Why show gratitude for the people in your life

Seniors often say life goes by much too quickly.  Don’t take it for granted.  Meanwhile, the children ignore the recommendation until they are giving the same advice to their kids.  We are all born with an expiration date.  It’s tattooed in the annals of the universe in invisible ink, where the curious try to find it, but the truly alive live it to the fullest.  But why so many people do not appreciate the people who surround them, but an old adage “you are meanest to the ones you love most” and “familiarity breeds contempt”, and we just take them for granted.  It should be the exact opposite; we should show gratitude for the people in our lives.

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Family as legacy

As a coach who focuses on family leveraged entrepreneurial spirit the work life balance can often be a confusing topic.  When we refer to family, it not only refers to the legacy of our children, but how our children interact with the world in which they live.  Teaching children that it’s not only a great idea to give back to the community in which they live, but it actually allows you to leverage your efforts to give back.

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I say give until it doesn’t hurt anymorez

The bible does illustrate that you can give 10% of your money, your property or your time. It’s interesting that many people who teach personal finance and legacy, use this percentage, even if they are atheist.  So that being said the principle is more of a law of humanity then a religious implication.  The confusion comes in when there is an attempt to clearly understand how much the 10% is worth, and the worry that people didn’t give exactly 10%.

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Thanksgiving Every Day

Are you grateful for all the blessings in your life? How do you reflect them to others?  How do you see them yourself? Let’s explore opportunities to share the abundance of which you are given and how using a Journal you may be able to not only chronicle how you feel but to use the expressions to create heartfelt emotions that may lead to an even more abundant life.

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How to use a journal for life

By now you have heard of journaling but what exactly is it? Why is it beneficial? How and where do you start? Journaling is the process of recording one’s journey. For hundreds of years, records were kept as ships logs. A journal is often referred to as a diary to keep records of daily events, thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and interactions. But the modern journal is so much more. With it you can record your systems, experiments and observations as well as how the outcome made you feel and ability to metric or measure the results of the experience.

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Gratitude journaling how and why

The law of attraction illustrates time and time again that the fuel that runs the universe is love and gratitude.  As a child I was told to give thanks before each meal. Before showing gratitude for the food, I was taught to go through a list of several items for which I’m grateful.  People in the personal improvement genre are using gratitude journals to allow themselves to create a more positive mind set and claiming it allows them to reach their goals more effectively.

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Why I’m grateful for sand

Hurricane Irma is on its way to where I live. In a few days it’s entirely possible that my home and all of my belongings will be washed away. We don’t know yet because the weather forecasters don’t entirely understand all the variables involved.  Now the entire time my friends and family have said that I was over reacting. I’m not going to argue, but I realized that with the storm on both sides of the state, warm the west, and cold in the Atlantic.  I’ve been told that it creates something called convection and it will cause a storm to become more powerful. 

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Techniques to Review your life

The Jesuits set up systems to review their activity about every 3 months, then an annual review, etc…  In my experience, this serves as an amazing technique to maintain the lifestyle you wish to achieve.  That being said it can be quite confusing as to why and how to review your life.  I on a regular basis (about every 3 months) do what is often called the epitaph test.  About every 3 months I take a moment to think what my tomb stone will say. I know this is hard for some of you, but please just follow me here.

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Where’s my darn oxygen mask?

I know this topic is over mentioned in the personal development world, but I have no apology for the fact that I know I can put a new spin on it, so if you are in feel free to read on… If you have ever been on an airplane you probably remember the rather amusing show given before each flight.  The flight attendant stands at the front of the air craft, with a forced smile, not much different than the clowns at a circus. At some level, I’m sure many of them enjoy their job, and they have some amazing smiles, but you can tell by the rest of their body language that it’s merely forced like changing diapers on a child. 

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