Techniques to Review your life

The Jesuits set up systems to review their activity about every 3 months, then an annual review, etc…  In my experience, this serves as an amazing technique to maintain the lifestyle you wish to achieve.  That being said it can be quite confusing as to why and how to review your life.  I on a regular basis (about every 3 months) do what is often called the epitaph test.  About every 3 months I take a moment to think what my tomb stone will say. I know this is hard for some of you, but please just follow me here.

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Am I a human or a number?

Has anyone ever sent you an E-mail that seemed like they forgot you were a living person? Have you ever gone to a store and felt like you weren’t a person? Just a number like at the deli, or the automobile tag office? It seems like we have been completely tokenized, even in social interactions we are now a screen name. At the root of customer service, people who are interacting with people must treat those people like they would wish to be treated. However, in our “Race to the Bottom,” as Seth Godin so cleverly calls it, we have dehumanized interactions with other people in favor of a better price, and a lack of reliability from the product.

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Where’s my darn oxygen mask?

I know this topic is over mentioned in the personal development world, but I have no apology for the fact that I know I can put a new spin on it, so if you are in feel free to read on… If you have ever been on an airplane you probably remember the rather amusing show given before each flight.  The flight attendant stands at the front of the air craft, with a forced smile, not much different than the clowns at a circus. At some level, I’m sure many of them enjoy their job, and they have some amazing smiles, but you can tell by the rest of their body language that it’s merely forced like changing diapers on a child. 

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