Be a task handler not a worker bee

The age-old question “Does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog?”  I never figured the answer to this one out, although I have often pondered it.  Tonight, while I was folding socks, which ordinarily isn’t a big deal, but in our house, we have a basked with about 100-150 pairs of socks that people dive into and grab what they need instead of organizing them. Until, dad just can’t take it any more and the OCD finally causes me to match them at 1:30am.  I realized that it wasn’t a job it was a task, and I should allow myself to be in the moment and feel what I was doing was bringing value to the rest of the family.

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Love vs. Fear

There are two stable points in the universe that virtually all emotions stem from that both feed and decay the universe.  They are simple and we talk about them every day. They are Love and Fear.  They are so over simplified that they are almost ignored as people go about their day. But, in actuality it goes so much deeper. I get it sounds woo, woo, but trust me it works…

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Who’s Right?

Today my daughter was trying to put a water filter into the system. When it wouldn’t go right in she immediately said this is the wrong filter. It occurred to me that she was automatically accusing the environment of changing so that she would not have to accept that she was in error. I started to think about this topic and here is what I found to be most interesting.

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Remembering People’s Names When You Meet

Oh crap!!! Here I go again. I’m at a fairly informal gathering. I see people everywhere but I can’t remember the names. My palms are sweating and I feel dizzy. I’ve already escaped the 5,4,3,2,1 count of going up to someone to say hi without thinking about it. I feel like an idiot.  Oh no, here comes 2 people I recognize there faces, but I don’t’ remember their names.  What do I do?  Oh wait their pausing, maybe they forgot my name… Nope they were just grabbing an hors d’oeuvre. I’m toast. “Hi –J- How are you? How’s your son and daughters?”  Oh, my life just ended, I know it did. I’m so embarrassed, am I blushing? How the hell do I get out of this? There’s the bathroom. No, that won’t work I just used it on the way in.  Dale Carnegie where are you? Here goes nothing… or maybe everything… Who can tell?

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Motivating others is it possible?

 Let’s face it; it’s just not reasonable to force others to do stuff for you.  And at the end of the day, it’s actually impossible to make anyone do anything.. Short of hypnosis of course and many don’t believe in it. Furthermore, it’s a pain in the ass to try to convince others to do something they don’t want to do. It will be a big investment of time and effort to get them to move toward a goal they don’t have a vested interest in.

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