Thanksgiving Every Day

Are you grateful for all the blessings in your life? How do you reflect them to others?  How do you see them yourself? Let’s explore opportunities to share the abundance of which you are given and how using a Journal you may be able to not only chronicle how you feel but to use the expressions to create heartfelt emotions that may lead to an even more abundant life.

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Why I’m grateful for sand

Hurricane Irma is on its way to where I live. In a few days it’s entirely possible that my home and all of my belongings will be washed away. We don’t know yet because the weather forecasters don’t entirely understand all the variables involved.  Now the entire time my friends and family have said that I was over reacting. I’m not going to argue, but I realized that with the storm on both sides of the state, warm the west, and cold in the Atlantic.  I’ve been told that it creates something called convection and it will cause a storm to become more powerful. 

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