Have you ever thought about why most people don’t stick to an eating, exercise or other programs that we plan out and begin? What can we do to ensure that we actually keep to these programs? Why is it that hundreds of times I’ve done awesome at an eating program, then all of the sudden I’ve fallen off the wagon. I as I know many others join gyms and … yes, that’s the sound of crickets (I don’t know how to spell cricket noises so please just use your imagination).
Why do programs fail?
You hear it everywhere; someone bought a gym membership then within three weeks they peter out, like a
foul smell in a high wind. Yes, I’ve done it. I’ve paid $20 for three visits instead of the month I was paying for, and I’ve paid for a year of a fitness club mostly to use the massage chair and massage table. Hey, girls have their needs so do I, and I’m not gonna be man shamed for it, lol. Right now I have a free gym at my apartment complex, I hit it like a machine, but after the hurricane, I’ve had every excuse not to use it. That’s gonna change shortly, as soon as I figure out what I’m doing wrong.
I love when I see people wearing expensive workout clothes for work or just hanging around because they don’t wear them anywhere else but want others to think they are active. So what’s up, why do I feel like I’m not the only person who creates massive plans to look like the rock, but peter out after like a week or so? My thoughts are that it’s not necessarily the fault of the gym or the eating program. I have a close friend that says “diets are systems, they virtually all work as long as you follow the rules.”
I actually believe the failure laid with the person who started with so much vibrato they told their friends and family and told their mind not only are they doing it, but they already succeed, only to bail out halfway through the first workout or first week of eating program. People don’t need more programs; they need the inspiration to work the program. It’s more about mindset and less about anticipation and planning. If you ever noticed that someone who had a heart attack changed their lifestyle because they had a reason “why” they needed to make changes. Those who don’t often wind up dead or in the hospital seeking surgery. Just loosing 20-30 pounds could substantially improve the health of much of the population at large. Making many current health conditions caused by obesity a thought of the past.
Seek first motivation; then seek the program or gym
So realistically, instead of finding another program or Gym, we should probably seek a more sound position for motivation to complete the task to lose weight and get healthy. That’s right it inside of us, not at the street corner store. There is something to be said for the fact there is not a one size fits all, but if you don’t even give it a try the glass shoe nor the exercise program will fit.
The universe as a whole rewards people who put the effort to move in a specific direction. It’s called the law of momentum. Try to keep in mind that your doctor may have only had minimal training in nutrition, and frankly the medical system is about curing not preventing. Seeking a nutritionist and a trainer /fitness coach may be in your best interest to seek these goals. I love my doctor he’s a riot, but I only see him once every three months, and he says to do … then I don’t see him again for another three months. I know what I have to do, but I lack the motivation to do it. If you don’t stick to the workout or eating program, there is a simple print out (your body) that follows you everywhere you go. In my case, I take medicine to keep my body running. If I lose the weight, the medicine will go away. Now to my credit my auto-pap (for sleep apnea) and my avoidance of grains and sugars has gone a long way to help me get healthier and lose some weight, I still firmly believe if I worked out (aerobic activity) like when I used to dance, I would be in much better shape and probably not need any of the medicines I currently take.
Frustratingly enough in my experience, I’m looking toward a future outcome for my motivation, and I feel that is at the heart of my failure.Yes, accountability partners can help. I’ve heard of people putting large sums of money into an envelope and telling loved ones they can spend it if they fail, or to send a check to an organization they don’t believe in. I think these are purely anecdotal at best and should be examined not acted upon. I did my best when I simply realized that I was in the best place I could be and focused on the fact that I loved doing what I was doing. I used mantras and affirmations to convince my subconscious that I loved doing the fitness boot camps. I broke my heart when I moved and could no longer participate…
What? The programs do work… then what’s the deal
All this being said the next time someone says that diet or gym doesn’t work, consider the source and recognize that it probably didn’t work for the person who is talking about it because they didn’t follow through. Much like a small business, MLM’s and many other things that people are quick to criticize. So instead of blaming the program, perhaps it’s a lack of motivation to do the program that is in the crosshairs. I think I’ve pretty clearly identified that It’s not the program it’s the person who doesn’t follow through so perhaps focusing on how awesome the activity is instead of the anticipated outcome can improve the odds of sticking with it.
– J –