Why don’t fitness programs and diets work?

Have you ever though about why most people don’t stick to an eating, excercise or other programs that we plan out and begin?  What can we do to insure that we actually keep to these programs? Why is it that hundreds of times I’ve done awesome at an eating program, then all of the sudden I’ve fallen off the wagon. I as I know many others join gyms and … yes that’s the sound of crickets (I don’t know how to spell cricket noises so please just use your imagination).

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How a fitness boot camp changed the way I think

It was incredible.  Several people of all weights, ages and sizes were doing sit-ups, squats, lunges and more. I worked really hard, I overcame asthma to run a mile and I lost allot of weight. I took the most improved for my coach 2 boot camps in a row. Most people I think would expect these results, and say “OK that’s great, but now you’ve stopped you let the weight back on and the muscles dormant”.

Well, many may see it as a tragedy, a waste of time.  My coach worked so hard to work with me and pushed me. But, here are the real takeaways:

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