The belief that there is not enough, that we don’t live in a virtual cornucopia of opportunity is the psychological state where thoughts of competition reside. If one believes there is not enough to go around, there would be a mad rush to take as much as you can from everyone else.
There is enough… More than enough….
We are designed to create more value or resources then we consume. Aside from the few that stand the
“backs of others” and take advantage, most people share the value created by others when others work for them. This in mind that is how the working class slowly creeps forward and has more stuff, a better car and more clothes, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have enough to eat and would starve. According to the law of attraction what we focus on multiplies, if one were to simply focus on the additional abundance receives for their efforts, there would be a tendency grow more value then consumed; Thereby, resulting in enough to share.
Because society has claimed “He who dies with the most toys wins” it may be difficult to believe competing for resources is wrong. The politician as well paid employees, other often celebrate rivalry and believes that they can only get ahead by competing with co-workers and others who don’t share the same beliefs. That it’s a race to the top at all expense with a Machiavellian prowess to destroy anyone who stands in their way.
Freedom from the competition
Many people are employees because they don’t realize that instead of competing for resources at a job or political position they could easily return to their own natural state of freedom. Entrepreneurs in the new economy clearly understand how this works. There is still a level of intention to copy and be better than the other people in their industry. But, because they are creating their own niche in their industry, their unique value proposition, they are creating a non-competitive space. Therefore, the entire precedence of competition is nullified and no longer valid. With competition invalidated, there is no reason to try to gain something at other people’s expense. You could slip on the proverbial banana peel of life and fall into an abundance mentality. With the right mindset everywhere you look, you can manifest and attract more than enough of everything for everyone.
In nature, one must be growing or eroding. To experience growth one must attract it or create it through a direct intention. If you are in a state of scarcity mentality and don’t know how to get out of it? You’ll need to introduce positive affirmations into your daily life. People sometimes refer to it as looking through a new lens, much like changing a camera lens. But instead, it’s modifying the program and belief system, by repeating a thought or phrase. The one I used to change my perception (which may sound hokey) was I see opportunities to create abundance everywhere. I kid you not; it took about three years before I believed it because I was stubborn. First I received amazing parking spaces, and then I received change on the ground. I continued to expand gratitude. Some people use more direct affirmations like I see “abundance everyplace,” and “there’s more than enough resources in the world for everybody.” Create your own and use it if you’re
comfortable with it. If you’re stubborn like me and like being broke and having pity parties like I did it may take a while.
The abundant room
Ryan Daniel Moran of Freedom Fast Lane the podcast had a great explanation for abundance. Imagine you had a room in your house that every time you went in, there was money. You fill your pockets full of money. Then when you’ve spent the money, you go back in, and the money is replenished. You share the money with those in your tribe and community, and the more you share, the more you find in the room. That’s an abundance mindset. I am paraphrasing, and he goes much more in debt, but I thought this was a well-defined illustration of abundance.
Retraining your filter
If you change your perspective and simply eliminate scarce thoughts, which will continue to have those thoughts, they don’t just go away. Start by training your eyes to seek opportunities for abundance. Consciously redirect your attention to manifestations of abundance. Look with gratitude at lush nature, deluxe cars, singing morning birds, positive and wealthy individuals, regal buildings, whatever you associate with abundance. Do so with gratitude for the opportunity of the experience, or to have the experience
There are many symbols of wealth symbols to choose from. It simply depends on which avatar represents affluence to you. Some may see affluence in nature, and the abundance of potential happiness it provides, while others may see the experience of cars, houses, and clothing as abundance. It’s personal and judging others for their interpretation is a thought from fear and lack. Once your eyes are trained to seek out these avatars, you’ll begin the originative process of abundance. Your thinking will shift as you no longer see poverty manifestations. Instead of being jealous of others you will start to feel good about their blessings. Keep seeking the symbols of wealth, and you will begin to attract more of the same.
Abundance focused life
An abundance centered life of focus will continue to create abundance producing thoughts. Much like when learning meditation one must return focus to the medication and mindfulness; one must return focus to an abundant mindset. Over time it will become automatic. These thoughts will manifest abundance into your life, bringing in everything you deeply want. An abundance mindset tells you that there are constant opportunities for more abundance. This frees you from the pressure of the scarcity mindset that keeps you in the position you are currently in.
If you continue to focus on the lack, scarcity, and negativity in your life you will become nervous you will lose everything, and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure as your self-created inner negativity continues to put challenges in your way. In other words “Get the Hell out of your own way!!!”