Seniors often say life goes by much too quickly. Don’t take it for granted. Meanwhile, the children ignore the recommendation until they are giving the same advice to their kids. We are all born with an expiration date. It’s tattooed in the annals of the universe in invisible ink, where the curious try to find it, but the truly alive live it to the fullest. But why do so many people do not appreciate the people who surround them, but an old adage “you are meanest to the ones you love most” and “familiarity breeds contempt,” and we just take them for granted. It should be the
exact opposite; we should show gratitude for the people in our lives.
Appreciation for seniors
I am now in the middle of my life. My Uncle Passed away earlier this year, and now another uncle is
extremely ill. Unfortunately for me to be happy I live in Florida, and most of my aunts and uncles live in theNew York and Connecticut area. But I was smart enough to visit them every chance I was able. I went to family reunions as I could afford them, and I tried to go home for as many calibrations as possible. I was unable to see my young cousins grow up, and because I am a single child, my cousins are like my brothers and sisters.
Be sure as you age that you are in contact with your older relatives as much as possible. If they pass away without you spending as much time with them as you can, you may well regret not having spent more time with them while you had the chance. I realize Life gets crazy busy, especially if you’re doing it right. But, making time for your family, those younger then you and older then you will bring more joy into your life. As our loved ones get older, their time is much shorter than ours. Moreover, as they get older, they may feel lonely, and they need more attention from people that love them. As their friends and loved ones pass, they may become depressed as they realize they also won’t be around much longer. Sharing young children and listening thoughtfully as they talk about their past can make the transition a little easier.
Love the children
I love kids, they are so alive, and they live totally at the moment. That’s why I have my own. I recommend having your own, adopting them or like me helping to raise others children. Many people say that being around younger children makes you feel younger. As you turn the corner to mid-life, and more advanced years, you will also realize you don’t’ have much time left. But, more importantly, the kids will “grow up fast,” and you must enjoy every stage of the childhood to avoid the regret of not being able to watch them grow up.
As a good friend of mine reminded me when my daughter was born, you must be sure to watch each of the stages as the child grows and learns. Rolling over, crawling, speaking, walking, then all the stages of maturity as the child grows up. Focus on the younger years, because as they begin to experience hormones, and the opposite sex during the teen years, odds have it they won’t want to spend a lot of time with you. And remember as you get older you may wish to have a good relationship with them so that as you advance in age, they will wish to spend time with you. Some people also like to say they have kids so there will be someone to take care of them as they get older. Personally, I don’t wish to be a burden to my kids, so I’m going to work hard to spend any inheritance they may have, lol. Just kidding… of course. My intention is to leave them an inheritance of knowledge to help them help the world to be a better place.
On another note, it frustrates me at a deep level that people think it’s ok to abuse their children and to toss them aside like they have no value. We don’t’ own children, they are a gift to us from the universe, they make us laugh, they make us cry, and they hopefully take care of us before we die… lol, I made a rhyme. I was recently asked how I could be so calm and patience when my special needs kids lose their composure. I didn’t even think about it, I just replied, “I look at everything they do as entertaining and funny.” Now mind you sometimes I do lose it a little bit too, and I do see a therapist to deal with those times, but for the most part, I keep it all together by laughing at what they do. I stop and think will this matter in 5 years, usually its no, then I separate myself from the process and I laugh.
Gratitude for those around you
The universe runs on gratitude and so do the people around you. It’s a little hokey to say thank you to younger people for being part of your life. However, my mom still has a letter I wrote my parents shortly after high school thanking them for everything they did for me. I also made a point of thanking my aunts and uncles for what they did to help me become the person I am. I’m not suggesting you sit in a circle and sing coom-by-a, but showing gratitude by being supportive and helpful to those around you as they reach their goals. Not dumping your frustrations on them, and taking the time to listen to what they are concerned about. Often time people don’t like to ask for help. But, as long as you don’t hinder or aggravate them be there to help anyway. Many times they will thank you and admit that you bring value to their lives. In kind, if you wish to be appreciated, always give more value then what you take. The law of reciprocity will cause others to return in kind.