There are two stable points in the universe that virtually all emotions stem from that both feed and decay the universe. They are simple, and we talk about them every day. They are Love and Fear. They are so oversimplified that they are almost ignored as people go about their day. But, in actuality, it goes so much deeper. I get it sounds woo, woo, but trust me it works…
The Abundant Mind Set of love
For the purpose of this article, we will focus on generosity. We can easily afford to be generous because we live in a world of abundance. Generosity doesn’t mean just money or stuff. It also refers to time, and the value time creates. Simply put, if you help feed the homeless. Maybe not that extreme, but simply dropping some spare change on the sidewalk, and not feeling bitter about it. It was part of the money you were supposed to give; your 10% returns to the universe as gratitude for all of the abundant gifts you have received. Some call it tithing, others call it legacy, and I call it stewardship.
Different people express their love differently. This is called love languages. Often trying to
communicate with someone effectively comes down to the ability to match their love language. Much like body language, the love language is expressed through actions and emotions as the person interacts with other people. Some people make food, others buy stuff, and others will show love through affection. To be effective as a rule one must simply be grateful and return the same language.
Fear and the Mind Set of lack:
This is easily the most devolving mental space in the world. This is when each decision is made at a concern that one will lose in some way if their decision fails. It causes people to stay broke, in jobs they hate and doing things they shouldn’t do for the right reasons, but the wrong results. It’s the fear of the loss of security that keeps many potential entrepreneurs from ever reaching their full potential. It makes people angry, hateful, possessive and competitive. Hoarders, for example, live in a fear of loss. People who live in fear are actually perpetually punishing themselves with self-persecution for the potential that they may lose, even without the actual physical loss.
How I changed the way I was thinking:
Now you know what the difference is between Love and Fear. If you stop to study yourself and you find that you are in a lack mindset and you hope to be positive and full of love, there are many exercises you can do. I used a two-prong approach to change the way I think about life. I continue to review and use them frequently throughout the year.
The first process I used was affirmation and mantras. This was easily the hardest and most effective thing I did. There is more about these on my website. But, the first affirmation I used was a note on my mirror, written with paint markers. I read every morning, every night, and every time I went to the bathroom. Friends and family were concerned I had lost it completely. But actually, it’s where I found the way I feel about things now. I wrote “I am amazing, I have done amazing things, and I am doing amazing things. I accept everything I have done and I believe in what I am doing.” Now after I read it I would pause in the silence and wait. My brain would rush to everything I have done wrong and everything I hated about me. I couldn’t believe the results. I would lose my mind if anyone ever talked to me that way, but I would allow my inner voice to talk like that. I was shocked. After about a month or a month and a half, I noticed the Ideas in my head were starting to go away.
I really was changed in my mindset when about two weeks into the exercise when someone asked how are you, I smiled big and said I’m amazing. I really did it; it worked, I reprogrammed the way I think. Some people call it NLP others call it reprogramming the subconscious. I don’t really concern with how it works; I just can tell you that if you think about and focus on quality, you can attach it to the way you think using affirmations and mantras.
The second exercise I used which is much harder. I used a journal and I destroyed the journal afterward. I do repeat the process on occasion when I realize that I’m obsessing over something, it’s called a hot journal. I didn’t invent it, but I feel as though I perfected it… I dig back to my childhood memories. I usually find that I forgave the person who messed me up or made me feel bad, but I never bothered to forgive myself. I would write letters to the people who hurt me and write responses in their voice. It’s an amazing exercise in my experience. I’m not a psychologist or counselor so please seek professional help if you suffer from any depression or other imbalance.
Which wolf do you feed?
There is an Indian story about two wolves. One is Dark, and one is Light. See a theme yet? They are in a circle of challenge about to attack each other. One will eventually completely consume the other. The one that will win is the one that you feed. What this means is if you feed the fear the fear will continue to grow. Likewise, if you feed the love, it will grow as well. It’s entirely up to you, do you come from a fear of losing something of value, or are you grateful for the experience of having it.
Now you know the difference between Love and Fear. In my experience, a life filled with love is an amazing way to feel and live your life. By showing gratitude and moving your mind into the values of love, your value system will change, and the people and opportunities you will attract will increase the life to the point of amazing.