Take care of your body. It’s the only one you have
– Jim Rohn
Dieting or Genetics?
I have often heard people say “I’m fat because it’s genetic” or “I have a thyroid problem.” It makes me
crazy when I ask “so when were you diagnosed?” They reply, Oh I didn’t get diagnosed I just know. It makes me want to scream, as they don’t realize that even though they eat that ½ gallon of ice cream after the family went to sleep their body will expose their dirty little secret. Fact is I have suffered from Hypothyroidism, and for someone who is mentally active like me, it’s a terrible feeling to feel like your brain is a live wire, and your body feels like it’s depressing. It’s almost like living in someone else’s body. Every task requires so much effort to move that it’s almost debilitating and in some cases, it can be. Furthermore, the dry skin and people making fun of how you look can really tax your self-esteem. Hypothyroidism sucks, so if you haven’t been diagnosed, please don’t claim you have it. So, let’s explore why people are really fat.
How much fat can you store?
Each one of us is born with a specific number of fat cells. How many you may have in the beginning is a throw of the genetic dice. In fact, the biggest people in the tribe were of then though to be the leaders because they had the best chance of making it through the winter. Many civilizations worshiped heaviness as a sign of fertility and affluence. Moving into the dark ages the kings and queens were often fat as a result of hedonism and gluttony that perpetuate the attitude that fat was a sign of affluence and abundance.
From my understanding, the only way to get rid of fat cells is to surgically remove them. So, however, may the luck of the DNA dice gave you are stuck with. So, is that a tragic excuse for why you can be fat? I was born with more cells. Not even close. You can shrink the cells by burning up the fat stored in them. Think of them like balloons that expand as you fill them and contract as you empty them. It’s an efficient system that allows us to survive even toughest of food shortages.
What about the bad stuff in our gas tank?
Well here is the deal. Your body is like a car with a gas tank that will expand as big as it needs to accommodate more gas as it’s available. Therefore, you must use more gas then you pick up along the road of life. The really hard part is to understand the oils and additives it takes to run the car clean. Unfortunately, many people just want the cheapest gas they can get. If there is some water or pollutions in the gas, it’s all good because it won’t affect us today. But it does….
GMO’s, pesticides, sugars, etc. These all rob us of energy and good health. In the short term, it can leave you with health conditions and a poor sense of physical self. Over the long haul, it can shorten one’s lifespan an even leave people with a poor quality of life. Therefore, choosing what you put into your body can be a much more important decision than most care to apply the effort of deciding what to eat.
So, what’s the good fuel?
To help support an amazing lifestyle of good health and abundance, small changes to the types of food you eat to control your poor-carb and bad-fat intake and making sure that you get enough of the right vitamins, minerals, trace elements, protein, good carbs, and fats. Consider how the food was intended to be consumed in nature. Look at the natural life cycle of the fruits and vegetables that are indigenous to the area to which you are genetically dispositioned. For examples, oranges only grow in tropical areas for certain seasons. Why would you eat them all year round? Also, research the advantages of juicing.
Extremely low-calorie diets may help you shed pounds quickly, but they’ll lead to failure in the long run because eventually, the psychological effects on your attitude will start to allow small changes the wrong way until you are right back where you started. Our brain is genetically programmed to prevent death due to starvation. Starvation and caloric reduction could cause your body to slow its metabolism (burn less fat) because it believes there is a shortage of food. That’s right; I’m not kidding, I know many bodybuilders and fellow weight losers who have actually eaten more food to lose weight. Crazy, isn’t it?
New information
There is a lot of new research into the body every day. It’s far more complex then we thought. There are good bacteria, Pre-Biotics, Pro-Biotics, hormones and even toxins that not only affect your metabolic rate but can cause inflammation. I personally was educated by my chiropractor that eating grains (Including Rice, Corn, and Wheat) caused inflammation in my back. I was literally crippled, and couldn’t walk for days, or was walking with a cane. It was so bad that one time I had to go to the Chiropractors office with a folding chair. I wasn’t sitting in it; I was using it as a walker. Great news. Now as long as I don’t eat the grains, I’m usually fine almost all the time. If I leave the reservation and have so much as a pretzel or a piece of Pizza, my back ceases up the next day. Usually, it releases but that afternoon, and what are the effects on the rest of my body?
So, someone who is self-diagnosed as having weigh gain due to poor genetics is often just an excuse. They have lied to themselves and didn’t wish to take responsibility for their decisions. In a country with a wealth of abundance, we often are able to access the poor eating decisions easier and less expensive than in other countries. Fast food, candy, and soda are limited by many countries as a health risk. Perhaps the FDA could consider requiring a health warning on Candy. The lack of labeling and overabundance of access and low cost may be a major contributing factor to the obesity epidemic in which we live.
To learn more about better eating options, please contact your doctor, chiropractor or nutritionist.