Helping others as a mentor

Have you ever wondered how the rich get rich? Why does it seem like the truly successful will give at church, give time and money to the community, then they have a shadow or protégé who is learning all the amazing secrets?  How do you become that protégé? Why are they teaching that person and not someone else?


Legacy through mentor-ship: 

A mentor is a person who is willing to share techniques, ideas, and ideals with someone else, usually for the mutual benefit of both parties.  The mentor is happy to share their knowledge in hopes that person they are teaching will take the career they have developed even further.  Mentors are often paving the way for their predecessor(s).  They take them under their wing, to make sure they will get as far as possible once they are no longer available to guide them.

The mentor does not usually charge directly for their services, and advise like a coach.  However, it is not uncommon that the person receiving the teaching should return value to the mentor.  The mentor relationship is founded on a mutual exchange of value.   Normally it’s almost a friendship, and as with friendships friends will do whatever they can to help each other out.  In a majority of cases, the mentor will receive financially.  In other cases, the mentor may just need a sounding board from someone who has not had nearly as much experience as the person they are helping.  A fresh set of eyes can offer many advantages to the seasoned business person.


Why should someone mentor?

Mentors usually learn and are given new insight into the person they are teaching. But, more importantly, it’s a way for someone who is successful to show their gratitude for their blessings by sharing their insight and talent with someone who is less fortunate than them.  The best part is to be a mentor you don’t need to hang out a sign or look for someone who is willing to take your sage advice and experience from you.  As always the best relationships are organic.  When you find someone who is spinning their wheels or stuck in the mud about a subject to which you are extremely knowledgeable, invite them out for coffee.  Share your examples, stories and advise authentically.  This is not a brag session, it’s not meant for you to show how great you are, but instead be sincere.  If you are as awesome as you believe, then obviously the opinion of someone who is not as far down the line as you will not make much difference.

The best part is as a mentor; you improve your legacy through philanthropy.   That’s right you get to know that you are doing something to help the world be a better place.  You leave behind someone who has your ideas, and influences for the next generation.  Not only does it make you feel good, but it also allows the person being mentored to feel good that you care enough to help them to succeed.  That can go along way for people who down deep have self-esteem issues.  There are two parts of every gift, the giver, and the receiver.  Ultimately I feel that the receiver gets more good feelings from the transaction then the person receiving.


The secret to being a good mentor:

The secret to being a good mentor is to be an active listener and to maintain authenticity at all times.  After all who wants to hear all about someone else’s war stories and successes if they are not to learning how to be more effective to reach their goals?  However, if the person mentoring is really deep listening attentively the mentor will not only be able to help the other person to understand better what they can do to improve, the mentor often solves their problems and questions.  It’s like a big brother or big sister you can turn to ask questions.  If the older sibling were busy sharing stories of their accomplishments you might not feel as appreciated and helped as the big brother or sister that listens to you completely, then offers advice based upon their prior experiences.


How do you get where you’re going if you are busy being a mentor?

The mentor relationship is not meant to dominate your time. It’s meant to allow you to help someone else to achieve their goals, and at the same time, you will also receive many benefits.  Some are in the form of additional revenue, some are in the form of services, and others are less tangible. Like a million dollar Idea that you can follow through on as you may have resources the person you are mentoring does not.

Being a mentor doesn’t require special training, just that you are further down the journey than the person you are helping.  It’s much like friendship, and that is with someone who is following you to in a similar or the same career path.  So why don’t you mentor someone else? It could help make the world a better place, and you could feel better knowing you are helping someone else. 


– J –

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